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Anglická povídka na téma Mirrors...

Mnozí z Vás víte, že studenti naší školy se účastnili soutěže (www.literaryaward.cz/cs) v Anglickém jazyce. Úkolem bylo podle zadání napsat krátkou povídku na téma "Zrcadla". Každý se s tím popral po svém a my Vám zde nabízíme tu, která byla zvolena za nejlepší povídku ze všech od Elišky Kozákové.


Eliška Kozáková (3.ročník)

Tick – tock, tick – tock… a little shop resounded by ticking of the clock. It was the only sound that you could hear there. And as the hand ran, another autumn day was coming closer and closer to its end. Not much time and the sunset would be there. Carl Wayne was sitting behind the counter and looking out through the shop window. There was a group of children playing in the park outside. They were throwing a big branch into the patulous crown of the high chestnut tree in order to get some chestnuts. It was just the right time now to pick up acorns, chestnuts, hips and other autumn fruits.

However, Carl did not see them. He was immersed in his mind. It was twenty years today since he had opened his little shop. And what has changed? Nothing. He was still surrounded by the same, never - changing things. Always the same plates, mugs, dish towels, candles and everything what the right housewife could need. Even the mirrors. Yes, the mirrors. And that was the point.

At first sight they were just ordinary mirrors, nothing special about them. But a closer look at them revealed something strange – it seemed as if each mirror had its own position. Carl turned his attention to them. The mirrors standed like this for years – well, twenty years to be exact. And these twenty years were kind of unfulfilled desire for him. For this very long time he saw his muse, his fairy, his dream every day. This was just thanks to the mirrors – their special arrangement allowed him to see his love and dream about her.

He could still remember catching the first sight of her. It was the day when he was opening his shop. Of course, there was a little celebration and advantageous bargain offer so many people came to check out the new store or in vision of a snip. After the celebration, when the day was by its end, he closed the shop and he stayed there to tidy it up. While he was polishing the shop window, he noticed some move in the opposite house. He got stuck immediately. In one of the windows a woman appeared. The only thing he could do was to watch her. She came in front of the window of her flat, stretched her arms and back, sat behind the piano and started to play. But it was not just playing. She looked as if she was in her own world. As if she was not only playing but also dancing. Carl was astonished by the obvious passion she got from the playing. It was something that made him to hear the melody although it could not reach his ears. He had to admire her because of it. Unfortunatelly, this admiration was also source of his worries – he had never dared to go and knock on her door. How could he interest this perfect (for Carl even supernatural) being and make her want to talk with him, with a dull shop assistant. At least he arranged the mirrors into the complicated positions so they showed him how she came every day and played the piano.

He sighed. The truth was that he loathed himself for being such a coward and always wanted to make a change, nevertheless he was not able to gather courage and make the first step. Short look on the clock told him that it was almost half past five – her time. Suddenly two contrary feelings filled him– happiness on the one hand and desperation on the other.

The next day woke him up with bright rays of the morning sun. In spite of its glare autumn had already covered everything with hoarfrost and the world was hiding in a deep fog. Carl got up and thought about upcoming day. He did not have doubts it would be a typical routine day as always - opening time at eight o’clock, a few customers, lunch pause at twelve and then waiting till five when he usually closed the shop. Only then a delight was waiting for him. He left for work with this thought of her and could not dismiss it from his mind the whole journey. Even the first thing as soon as he entered the shop was he controlled the mirrors and cleaned them. Afterwards he sat behind the counter and started looking out for customers. In fact, that day was really hardly different than the other ones as Carl had predicted. There were a few people visiting his shop in the morning, three men and five women, and in the afternoon some people came as well, but Carl did not care much about what was happening in the afternoon. Frankly speaking, he was not even able to care about it. His mind became confused and unfocused and his eyes always flashed on the clock. Five was almost striking when probably the last customer for that day opened the door. It was an old woman with thick glasses on her nose. „Good afternoon,“ greeted Carl, „may I help you?“ The old lady peered at him. She did not say anything. „Excuse me?“ tried Carl again, „Is there anything I could help you with?“ „Well, yes, there is,“ said she after some while, „I need a new mirror.“ The mirror. The only certainty in his life. At first he considered refusing her. What he did not expect and what surprised him was an answer forcing its way out of his mouth. „Of course, we have a lot of mirrors, madame,“ responded his subconscious, „kindly choose.“  Eventually, the old lady chose the biggest one – the most important component of the whole system. The door hardly closed when his smile stiffened. Not so long and it will be half past five. Was it a sign or something? Was it what he was waiting for all his life?

He grabbed the keys, locked up the shop and stood on the street looking towards her house. Out of the blue, his eyes were ebodiment of pure determination. His legs started moving by themselves. They led him into her house, up the stairs, in front of her flat. He knocked on the door.